Saturday, June 28

17:00-19:00The general assembly of Polish Society on Relativity
19:00Welcome Reception

Sunday, June 29

Cosmology in Homogeneous Spacetime

(morning session)

Chair: M. Demiański, A. Borowiec

9:00-9:50P. NatoliCosmology with Planck
9:55-10:35S. CapozzielloDark energy and dark matter as curvature effects
10:40-11:00Z. HabaCosmology of a diffusive fluidslides
11:00-11:30coffee break
11:30-12:00J. KijowskiUniversality of Einstein equations: remarks on generalizing the General Relativity
12:05-12:25O. Hrycyna
M. Szydłowski
Dynamics and observational constraints on Brans-Dicke cosmological modelslides
12:25-12:45O. HrycynaFrom dynamical models to cosmological observablesslides
12:50-13:00A. WojnarInvariant solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in Hybrid Gravityslides

Special Lecture on String Theory

(afternoon session)

14:30-15:10P. SułkowskiM5-branes, knots, and supersymmetric gauge theoriesslides

Cosmology in Quantum Homogeneous Spacetime

(afternoon session)

Chair: J. Lewandowski

15:10-15:50G. A. Mena MarugánUniqueness of the Fock quantization in cosmology with signature changeslides
15:50-16:30T. PawłowskiHilbert space & polymer matter in quantum cosmologyslides
16:30-17:00coffee break
17:00-17:30W. PiechockiTowards solving generic cosmological singularity problemslides
17:30-17:50P. MałkiewiczMultiple choices of time in cosmology
17:50-18:10J. MielczarekBig Bang as a critical pointslides
18:10-18:30E. CzuchryDynamics of the Bianchi IX model near the cosmological singularityslides

Monday, June 30

Inhomogeneous Cosmology

(morning session)

Chair: A. Krasiński, K. Bolejko

9:00-9:20A. KrasińskiThe Lemaitre-Tolman and Szekeres models and their main applications in cosmologyslides
9:20-9:40K. BolejkoDealing with inhomogeneous Universe
9:40-10:00M. KorzyńskiNonlinear effects of general relativity from multi-scale structureslides
10:00-10:20L. SokołowskiThe geodesic structure of some spacetimes with high symmetries -- local and global propertiesslides
10:20-10:40A. WoszczynaSymbolic dynamic programming in cosmological perturbations theory
10:40-11:00B. RoukemaVirialisation-induced negative curvature as a physical explanation for dark energy
11:00-11:30coffee break
11:30-11:50S. SzybkaInhomogeneity effect in Wainwright-Marshman space-timesslides
11:50-12:10E. MalecBondi accretion onto cosmological black holes: a case study and implicationsslides
12:10-12:30J. OstrowskiOn the relativistic analogue of the Zel'dovich approximation
12:30-12:50M. DąbrowskiInhomogeneous pressure models mimicking LCDM universeslides

Twistors and Complex Methods

(afternoon session)

Chair: M. Dunajski, M. Przanowski

14:30-15:15G. GibbonsCarrollian structures and the BMS and conformal BMS groupslides
15:15-15:45M. DunajskiSelf-dual conformal gravityslides
15:45-16:00P. PlansangkateScalar-flat Kahler metrics with conformal Bianchi V symmetryslides
16:00-16:15A. SzereszewskiR-separable diagonal metrics in dimension fourslides
16:15-16:30A. ChudeckiASD complex and real 4-dimensional Einstein spaces with $\Lambda\ne 0$ admitting a nonnull Killing vectorslides
16:30-17:00coffee break
17:00-17:45P. TodPenrose's CCC: some mathematical developmentsslides
17:45-18:30J. Gutt
P. Nurowski
Goldberg-Sachs theorem in even-dimensional conformal geometryslides

Tuesday, July 1

Loop Quantum Gravity & Non-commutative Spacetimes

(morning session)


9:00-9:40 T. ThiemannLoop Quantum Gravity
9:40-10:20Y. MaBF theory explanation of the entropy for non-rotating isolated horizonsslides
10:20-11:00H. SahlmannCoupling a scalar field to LQG - some new ideas
11:00-11:30coffee break
11:30-12:10G. Amelino-CameliaPhysical implications of Planck-scale curvature of momentum spaceslides
12:10-12:50J. Kowalski-GlikmanMomentum space deformations from (quantum) gravity

Mathematical Relativity I

(afternoon session)

Chair: J. Kijowski, P. Bizoń

14:30-15:15J. TafelAn approach to initial conditions in general relativityslides
15:15-16:00A. RostworowskiInstability of Anti-de Sitter Spaceslides
16:00-16:30J. JankowskiLocalized configurations in the AdS/CFT corrpespondenceslides
16:30-17:00coffee break
17:00-17:45M. MaliborskiStable asymptotically AdS solutions in spherical symmetry
17:45-18:30J. KijowskiFundamental Hamiltonian formula for gravitational field

Wednesday, July 2

Non-commutative Spacetimes

(morning session)

Chair: J. Lukierski

9:00-9:50S. MajidGravity induced by noncommutativity of space-timeslides
9:55-10:45P. AschieriGravity in noncommutative space-times and extended commutative gravity
10:45-11:10coffee break
11:10-12:00A. GörlichSemiclassical limit and transfer matrix in Causal Dynamical Triangulationslides
12:05-12:25M. DobrskiFedosov quantization and geometric non-commutative gravityslides
12:25-12:45A. PachołTwisting and kappa-Poincareslides
12:45-13:05A. PietrykowskiOn one-parameter dependence of DeWitt's metric in Vilkovisky-DeWitt formalismslides

Mathematical Relativity II

(afternoon session)

Chair: J. Kijowski, P. Bizoń

14:30-15:30P. ChruścielAre light-cones light?
15:30-16:15J.M. SenovillaSuperenergy tensors and their applicationsslides
16:15-17:00coffee break
17:00-17:45J. JezierskiThe 3+1 decomposition of Conformal Yano-Killing tensors and “momentary” charges for spin-2 fieldslides
17:45-18:30J. GareckiCanonical superenergy density and gravitational stability of the solutions to the Einstein equations

Thursday, July 3

Gravitational Waves

(morning session)

Chair: P. Jaranowski, A. Królak

9:00-9:30P. JaranowskiPost-Newtonian Hamiltonian dynamics of compact binary systemsslides
9:30-10:15G. SchäferSpinning compact binaries in general relativity through higher post-Newtonian ordersslides
10:15-11:00B. AllenEinstein@Home
11:00-11:30coffee break
11:30-12:15T. RegimbauStochastic gravitational wave background in the advanced detector eraslides
12:15-12:45A. KrólakPolgraw-Virgo group and its contribution to gravitational wave searchesslides
12:45-13:00A. BłautResponse of interferometers in metric theories of gravityslides

Gravitational Waves

(afternoon session)

Chair: P. Jaranowski, A. Królak

14:30-14:45A. ZadrożnyPi of the Sky telescope contribution to the LSC-Virgo Electromagnetic Follow-up projectslides
14:45-15:15T. BulikScience with the Einstein Telescopeslides
15:15-15:45M. BiesiadaPrimordial gravitational waves - at gates of a new eraslides
Implications of BICEP2 results for detection of gravitational waves
16:30-17:00coffee break
17:00-17:30M. BejgerSearches for gravitational waves from known pulsars in the LIGO and Virgo dataslides
17:30-17:45I. Kowalska-LeszczyńskaGravitational waves background from compact binariesslides
17:45-18:00M. KucabaGravitational wave signals from ensemble of rotating neutron stars in Galaxyslides